Tuesday, November 8, 2011

two schools of thought

Our search for a school, which in turn informs our search for a home, has thrown up two candidates, both of them, as far as we can tell, in the top ten public elementary schools in Washington. Lafayette Elementary is in Friendship Heights, about five stops on the red line northwest of Dupont Circle, while Janney Elementary is just a little closer in, in neighbouring American University Park. When we phoned Lafayette, we went straight though to the principal, who told us to pop in anytime and when we did, took us on personal tour. Mrs Main, gruff but twinkly, addressed most of her remarks to James, who was suitably intimidated. By Model C standards, the school was on the crowded and even the run down side, with some of the classes (including Grade 3) housed in prefabs outside the 1920's red brick building of the main schoolhouse. But we got a good sense of industry and warmth. Janney, which we toured today with two other families, was one of the most impressive public buildings, let alone schools, that any of us have seen. The idea of heaven for a certain kind of educator, one imagines - iMacs in every classroom (and 40 in the computer lab) vast white corridors and silent classes of earnest little students. A first grade class was being told about folk tales, and at various points of interest in the narrative I noticed some of the kids shaking a fist with the little finger and thumb extended. This according to the very enthusiastic (and perhaps aptly named) Ms Sell, the deputy head who led the tour, is a sort of silent cheer to indicate appreciation for a particularly nifty bit of pedagogy. James felt that the place was "a bit too disorganised" for his taste. Which we took to mean, too organised by half, a view with which we sympathise. So we are looking at properties in Friendship Heights, and hoping to start at Lafayette within the next  couple of weeks. Or before someone kills someone else, at any rate. Home schooling is off the agenda.

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